Cat neutering expert Jane Clements explains the benefits of neutering your cats, the difference between neutering and spaying, and the best age to neuter your cat.
Every so often we run live Q&A sessions with Cats Protection experts on our Facebook page. Most recently, Neutering Manager Jane Clements answered questions about feline neutering.
Supporting and encouraging the neutering of cats is one of the charity’s objectives and helps reduce the number of unwanted cats and kittens. To find out more about our neutering work and the procedure itself, visit
Here is a selection of questions that Jane answered:
Why is it a good idea to neuter a cat?
Cats can lead happy, healthier lives when neutered, as neutering prevents the onset of some cancers and sexually transmitted diseases, as well as diseases caught through cat fights. Cats are less likely to fight and roam if neutered. To find out more read our Neutering leaflet.
What's the earliest age a female cat can be neutered?
Also, can a cat be neutered if I think she's pregnant already (not my cat!).
We recommend kittens should be neutered at four months old. Cats can be spayed when pregnant, depending on time of gestation and your vet would be able to give you specific advice about this. However, cats are property in the eyes of the law, so it is important to make sure the cat does not have an owner before you take it on and get it neutered.
Photo courtesy of CP Library
What's the difference between the terms neutering and spaying?
Answer: Neutering is the term used for both male and female cats; spaying refers to neutering a female.
Can you get any help towards the cost if you have a low income?
Answer: Yes, please call our helpline on 03000 12 12 12 (option 3) between 9.30am-1pm Monday-Friday and look on our website for any local neutering campaigns in your area.
Is there any way to check if our adopted cat has been neutered?
Your vet may be able to detect a scar from the neutering procedure if it has already been done. I would also consider whether she is displaying any signs of coming into season? If not, then she probably is neutered. Your vet will be the best person to give advice on this.
Anyone seeking financial help with neutering should call our neutering line on 03000 12 12 12 (option 3), Monday-Friday, 9.30am-1pm for advice on what is available to them.
Keep your eyes peeled for the next Q&A on 17 November 2014.